Getty Images sent you $93.87Ein guter Tipp für alle Fotografen, die ihre Bilder bei Flickr zur Verfügung stellen. Mit einer einfachen Option kann man seine Bilder auch den Redakteuren von Getty images zugänglich machen und so möglicherweise den einen oder anderen Euro verdienen.Entsprechende Einstellungen findet man in seinem Account auf flickr unter “Datenschutz&Berechtigungen”.

Thomas Leuthard berichtet darüber in seinem Blog

This morning a got an email with the subject in the title. Well, this is not something I’m used to be and I never wanted to sell my photos. But when you use Flickr you can activate “Licensing your work via Getty Images” in your profile and then you may get some invitations from Getty Images to use your photos. Currently I got 16 photos on sale there see below. But more than 20 photos were rejected as I couldn’t provide a model release form. I shoot people in the streets without asking for permission. Getty Images needs such a contract for every photo where a face is visible. Even for this photo they wanted a release form, although there is no face visible:

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